Easy Butterfly Rock Painting Craft
It’s finally spring and the spring bugs are slowly beginning to appear. My favourite bugs and insects are by far the ladybird and the Butterfly. I find them adorable and absolutely love them.
Today I have painted a fantastic butterfly themed rock stone which I am sure you will love. It’s an easy simple craft which can be created at any age level from toddler and preschooler right through to adult. Enjoy.
Easy Butterfly Rock Painting
Supplies You Will Need for This Butterfly Painted Rock
- Posca Paint Pens
- Pencil
- Rock Stone
- Eraser
How to Make a Butterfly Painted Rock Stone
To begin with you will need to sharpen your pencil and draw the outline of a butterfly onto your rock stone.
The first step will be to paint the body of the butterfly using any colour you use. I went with white and green.
I began by painting the white segments of the body.
I then painted the other segments of the butterfly body with the green posca pen.
Next I added wings.
I decided to do a line style today and drew the lines of the wings with an orange and white posca pen.
I then thickened the lines by doubling over them with my paint pens.
The next step was to add the antenna of the Butterfly using a black paint pen.
I then began to do detailing.
Next I drew around the butterfly body segments and then around the wings.
Once the detail was complete I took a metallic blue posca pen and added detail to the body.
I added white and blue dots to the wings and little black lines onto the body.
Finally I added white eyes with black dots and a mouth.
The butterfly is now complete. Enjoy.
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Easy Butterfly Rock Stone Craft
- Posca Paint Pens
- Pencil
- Rock Stone
- Eraser
- 1. Sharpen your pencil and draw the outline of a butterfly onto your rock stone.
2. Paint the body of the butterfly using any color of Posca pen.
3. Thickened the lines by doubling over them with paint pens.
4. Add the antenna of the Butterfly using a black paint pen.
5. Began to do detailing by drawing around the butterfly body segments and then around the wings.
6. Once the detail was complete, use a metallic blue Posca pen and add detail to the body.
7. Add white eyes with black dots and a mouth.
You just made your Butterfly Rock Stone Craft!
Those look great! What a fun idea! We’d love to do this.
That is too cute! I think I might try it this weekend. Thanks!
This looks like a ton of fun! My Littles love painting and rocks.
Oh I bet they would love making butterflies and bugs!
This is so cute. What a great craft.
Wow so pretty I used to love painting stones from the beach when I was a girl
I love this idea and they look so good
The posca paint pens look so easy to use. Doing fine lines with brush are not always a bit tricky.
They are easier than a paint brush but still a little tricky.
This looks like a great idea to get my nieces involved in.
my granddaughter paints rocks and hides them around town
Love the caterpillar on here – he looks so jolly!