Preschool Monster Craft Children Will Love
If you’re looking for fun preschool monster craft ideas then we have a few fun Monster crafts here on The Inspiration Edit that is perfect for little ones. In fact, I’m super excited to share this fun and easy Monster paper craft activity here with you today!
How to Make This Into a Preschool Monster Craft
The great thing about this easy monster craft is that it can be changed for different ages. To make this into a preschool monster craft, you could print out the monster in lots of diffferent colors and make this into a cutting, sticking and pasting activity.
For older preschoolers, they may want to make this Monster craft all by themselves. Either way this can be created at any age level.
Supplies Needed for This Fun Monster Craft
How to Make This Paper Monster Craft
Download the Monster PDF and print out the the monster template pieces on the correct colored sheets. You can cut out plenty of these pieces ready for your stick and paste activity or allow the children to do the cutting for themselves.
Next, assemble the pieces of the monster together and glue. Begin with the body and glue on the monster head, hair, and ears, Add the mouth, monster teeth, arms, and spots second.
Glue your Monster craft onto a piece of black cardstock or paper. You can then cut around the edges of the monster to give it a good outline.
Once this monster is complete, you can read a story to children about Monsters, talk about Halloween, or even learn a monster song. Use this monster activity in the preschool setting to stir the imagination and go on a pretend monster hunt in the playground or the garden with the little ones.
Make Your Monster Craft Into a Halloween Writing Prompt
For older kids, this fantastic monster themed craft can become a writing prompt. Have older kids think of a monster name, create a story about their monster, or write interesting facts about this monster and his or her family. This is more than just a fun craft, it’s a great learning resource and way to extend a child’s interest in monsters! You might even want to play Monster Sudoku!
Enjoy this fun craft and Monster activity today! You can download the printable below. You’ll be taken to the URL to download your free Monster template!
Preschool Monster Craft Children Will Love
- ScissorsDownload the Monster PDF and print out the the monster template pieces on the correct colored sheets. You can cut out plenty of these pieces ready for your stick and paste activity or allow the children to do the cutting for themselves.
- Craft paper
- Crayons
- Glue
- Printer
- Download the Monster PDF and print out the monster template pieces on the correct colored sheets. You can cut out plenty of these pieces ready for your stick and paste activity or allow the children to do the cutting for themselves.
- Next, assemble the pieces of the monster together and glue. Begin with the body and glue on the monster head, hair, and ears, Add the mouth, monster teeth, arms, and spots second.
- Glue your Monster craft onto a piece of black cardstock or paper. You can then cut around the edges of the monster to give it a good outline.
- Once this monster is complete, you can read a story to children about Monsters, talk about Halloween or even learn a monster song. Use this monster activity in the preschool setting to stir the imagination and go on a pretend monster hunt in the playground or the garden with the little ones.
- For older kids, this fantastic monster themed craft can become a writing prompt. Have older kids think of a monster name, create a story about their monster, or write interesting facts about this monster and his or her family. This is more than just a fun craft, it’s a great learning resource and way to extend a child’s interest in monsters! You might even want to play Monster Sudoku!
- Enjoy this fun craft and Monster activity today! You can download the printable below. You’ll be taken to the URL to download your free Monster template!
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