Easy Gingerbread Christmas Ornaments
Christmas is not far away and I’m sure you’re looking for Christmas tree decorations. Well look no further, today we have this super cute and easy Christmas Gingerbread ornament that you can make with the little ones at home or in the classroom. Enjoy!
The History of Gingerbread
Why do we have gingerbread at Christmas?
Starting in the early 19th century, people began to make pastry cutouts of houses and trees as decorations for their holiday feasts. Today, many people enjoy the pastries as snacks anytime throughout the year. Gingerbread has become a main ingredient for these tasty treats.
The tradition of eating gingerbread during the holidays may have started with a German tradition, where people baked and ate gingerbread on December 24th to commemorate the life of St. Barbara. She was a wealthy woman who gave away her riches to help the poor.
Making Gingerbread decorations is a great way to teach kids about the history of gingerbread and the importance of helping the poor, being kind and serving one another during the Christmas season.
Materials Needed for This Gingerbread Man Ornament
How to Make This Gingerbread Ornament
To make this decoration you may want to paint the background brown in advance. When ready get some white and black paint.
Paint eyes and a mouth using black paint and a white icing sugar squiggle across the upper part of your gingerbread character.
Cut out a small bow and cheeks for your gingerbread girl ornament. Cut out a green bow for your gingerbread man decoration. Glue the bows and cheeks onto your wooden slice ornaments as shown below.
These are super cute gingerbread decorations and something the kids will enjoy making. These make a great tree decoration. Alternatively you can make a garland or gift these decorations as a Christmas present.
These Gingerbread Ornaments are super cute we have plenty of fun and easy Christmas ornament ideas which are similar yet unique. Check them out today!
You might like to make some different Christmas ornaments. We have around 50 fantastic designs and ideas here on The Inspiration Edit. Check them out!
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