Hot Chocolate, Proud Mummy Moments and an Award
Hot Chocolate, Proud Mummy Moments And An Award
This week has been very full-on and busy. On Monday after school Sylvia, John and I went to Aldi’s to buy some groceries. We were in the mood to celebrate because I got paid for an article and that has helped me to grow my adrenal pump fund. We now have two-thirds of what I need for a future pump.
At Aldi’s, I spotted some fantastic squashes and took a photo. I think they look pretty cool.
So after shopping, we decided to go somewhere special and stopped at Costa for a hot chocolate. This is something we have never done as a family before.
I rested all day on Monday and had reserved enough energy to get through an hour and a half out of the home. We had fun and enjoyed our visit to the town.
Tuesday I rested all day. We then attended parents evening and Sylvia’s teacher said that my daughter is a dream. He said she is a wonderful student and is doing fine in every area. It was so good to hear this especially as there was a time Sylvia was a little behind but we have worked hard over the past three years and she is now ahead of where she needs to be. I am so pleased with her work ethic and good manners. She is apparently a delight to teach.
So I had a proud mummy moment and to top it off Sylvia got an award this week for excellent listening skills and setting a good example to year four. I love it that whenever my daughter gets an award it is for a positive quality such as being an example, being kind and helping others. This is a true reflection of the type of child I have. She is really kind and caring.
On Wednesday I rested again and we went to Specsavers after school for Sylvia’s eye test. I will be writing all about it next week. We had fun and picked up some dog costumes from Poundland for Yoda and Casper.
Thursday I began to have an adrenal crisis. I didn’t quite know what was going on but found it hard to concentrate and started feeling very ill. Things got worse today and I’ve spent all day (Friday) in pain and feeling nauseous and dizzy. I know it’s adrenal so I have increased my medication as appropriate.
I think I’m going to be spending the weekend in bed. My blog posts are all prepared in advance and so I’ll not be doing any work for a few days as I simply am too unwell. I am writing this post, as I’m finding it therapeutic, even when sick but I’m hoping to get through this mini tough patch and be better next week.
I’m glad despite my condition that we had a good week, that we celebrated the good things and that my daughter has done well at school. I’m a happy mum.
Angela x
About Angela Milnes
Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who has specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts and having fun as a family. Angela has also taught cooking skills and loves to share both family recipes and easy instant pot recipes here on The Inspiration Edit. Follow her on Pinterest!
Well done Sylvia so happy you do well in your studies but also your attitude and behaviour a reflection of your good upbringing glad you enjoyed your hotchocolate. what is the nicest hotchocolate from the supermarket?
It was lovely and Sylvia really enjoyed it! 🙂
Well done with the adrenal pump fun! It sounds like it’s going very well!
Ahh! You have every reason to be proud! Well done Sylvia at school. It sounds like she is working so hard.
hehehe! The dog costumes from Poundland are awesome! We picked up a few for my youngest girls teddy’s. They are the perfect fit.
I hope you feel better soon x
Those costumes are fab!