When Chronic Illness Holds You Back
When Chronic Illness Holds You Back
Today I wanted to write about chronic illness and how it can sometimes hold you back and make life difficult. Well that’s how I feel at the moment. I have a number of conditions, the most serious being Adrenal insufficiency and having chronic illness means I can not always reach my full potential.
It’s hard at times learning to live with chronic health conditions. I had so many dreams and goals before becoming unwell. We had dreams of growing the family, plans for me to to return to my teaching career, plans to earn a good living, own a home, visit family overseas and the reality is, that with chronic illness my plans and our family plans have had to change.
I remember sitting in bed upset and sad in 2015, wishing life was different. I wished I was not always unwell. I wished things could be different but they are not and that is something I have tried to come to terms with over the past 4 years.
When you’re unwell you’re told to find a new normal, to learn to live with disability and illness and to get used to it. I do my best to be positive, to achieve all I can despite being unwell but the harsh reality is my illness holds me back in so many ways.
Living With Chronic Illness
I share fun parts of my life, the things I try to do with and for my child here on The Inspiration Edit. I also share things that I create and make. I recently started a rock painting hobby and I am loving it.
I only do it about once a week due to tiredness but when I do it is so enjoyable. Painting has become something I really enjoy when I feel well enough and up to it. I also try to share crafts and fun ideas on my blog and love to write reviews of products and toys for my family and daughter.
However, I am not a healthy person who is able to work a nine to five job. I am not a blogger who can work set shifts or work full time earning a living.
I am a mother with serious health conditions. I share what I can, I share my own ideas and crafts and thoughts and I also at times share crafts or ideas made for my blog by a blog assistant. Why would I do that you might ask?
Well the answer is I have a vision for my blog, to be Inspirational, to share my family lifestyle but also to share fun ideas for kids. I have plenty of ideas but I am not always well enough to make them myself or able to put the energy into this.
So I create the ideas myself when able and some ideas I have created for my blog.
Some people don’t like that I do this.
Blogging With Chronic Illness
Some say a blogger should only share content created by the blogger but many bloggers have assistants for social media management and or other tasks and the support I get when I do get it works for me.
I’m not a fake. I am real. I share real content but just like a lifestyle magazine, if every single piece of content was written and created by one writer (who was sick) and unable to dedicate all the time they needed to then the magazine would not last long. I want my blog to last and so I need a little support from time to time to keep it going.
I’d love to have energy to make craft videos, to be an active part of a daily blog support group, to join a instagram pod and attend events I am invited to but I am not a regular blogger.
I am a disabled blogger, a sick blogger. I am a blogger who can share but can’t always physically be where I want to be or physically do what I want to do.
Despite the difficulties I face, the blessing of writing a blog when your unwell is that you can write during the better times and schedule posts to go out when your unwell which helps maintain consistency in blog posts.
Batch Work and Pacing With Chronic Illness
I do batch work and prepare posts in advance for those days I am more unwell and need more rest.
This weekend for example I was in hospital. Who would have known? I was very unwell. I went to the resus unit and had treatment as I was heading into an adrenal crisis.
Yet, my blog continued as if I was at home because a lot of my content is written in advance and scheduled. I just couldn’t promote my work as much as I would on social media if I was home and well.
However I am home now and I am writing this. It’s a thoughtful piece on my health, on my frustrations and difficulties. Since coming home from hospital and for a week or so beforehand, I have struggled to do much.
It is frustrating, however the reality is I will never be able to work full time or work on my blog full time in the same way a healthy blogger would. I’ll do my best and I’ll adapt and do it my way. I won’t apologise for being me, for being ill, for having help with creating crafts and fun food ideas to share on The Inspiration Edit alongside my own content.
My Narrative, My Story
The inspiration edit is my narrative and story and I’ll tell it my way. Just like a sick person may need adaptations in the home to help get from place to place, I need adaptations for my blog which some bloggers with good health may or may not need and sadly some do not understand.
People may want to be critical of my style of blogging but I really don’t care. I will do my best, write my way, continue to share my content and from time to time ideas made for my blog. I will do my best to earn money from the blog to help cover medical costs and bills and keep being me.
Chronic illness makes things hard but I will keep going after my dream and even if I am not earning what others do, I will keep writing, inspiring, sharing and creating and work towards our “new normal”, our new family goals and dreams, even if they are hampered and shaped by chronic illness.
I don’t know how criticized the way you operate your blog, but I’ve always found it personal while being professionally run. I can count on your blog always having fresh content and I love that. Never feel you should apologize to haters. Haters manifesting just means you are doing something right! And please, NEVER say never. Anchor yourself to hope where your health is concerned. I know from personal experience how defeated you can feel at times with chronic illness, but change is possible. Man’s wisdom is as foolishness to God. It’s never too late for a suddenly in our life ❤️
Thanks Jessie, that was a lovely comment to read. I will never give up .. anything is possible, I just have to stay strong and keep going! It’s been a tough few weeks and months and I am trying to stay strong. I can do this! 🙂
You are one of those genuine bloggers who write with true passion. Get well soon babe! We are always here!
Thanks Blair. 🙂
I’m sorry about the chronic illness. I can’t even imagine how that must be. I’m sorry if you are criticized for the way you write your blog as well–it’s your blog, therefore you do it how you want. People who complain can kiss your butt 😉 I always enjoy reading your posts!
Yes! Thanks Amber.. I’m glad you like my blog.
Well I hope today you have a good day! I can’t imagine the struggle but I hope better health finds you:) and you can do everything you want to do.
thanks. It is hard and I hope things improve soon.
I’m sorry about your illness and also for the people who criticise your writing style. I love your positivity to keep doing things your way!
You are a star ?! I admire your strength and your focus, sharing your journey with us is such a amazing thing as this will create awareness for others . Get well soon babes 🙂
Wow. You are so incredibly strong. I can’t imagine having a chronic illness, but you are doing such an amazing job of hustling with your blog!
Also, rock painting? How fun! I kinda want to look into that!
People are just rude, and will complain about anything that rubs them the wrong way. Your blog, you run it, write it any way you please! I have a friend with Lupus, so I am aware how chronic illness can affect a person. Prayers to you!
I’m glad you haven’t let naysayers hold you back from expressing yourself. You have one of the most genuine blogs I’ve came across.
I am sorry for your illness, wishing you feel better soon and just know this was brave of you to share with us, don’t know why you would get any criticism.
I am sorry you are not well. It’s a shame that someone else would tell you your not a blogger. I dont judge anyone. If people take time off, well that’s fine too.
You do amazingly for the times you have, I know what it is like having days where you feel like you can do nothing, days where you just want to not move from your bed, or you can’t move from you bed. You have a lot to be proud of.
I think it is very brave of you to face the situation with grit and determination.Reading your post fills me with positivism and inspiration.
I think you are doing a fantastic job and I wish you all the best! I hope you are feeling better now that you are home and I can’t wait for your next blog post!
Thanks. Glad you love my blog
Oh no! I wish you well! I hope that you’ll be able to surpass this challenge. Always drink lots of water and eat fresh fruits. I know it will help somehow.
Thanks water is great and helps reduce headaches and fruit is always good. I love strawberries and kiwi fruit
I hope you start feeling better very soon, for you and your family and thanks for sharing with us
stay strong and i guess the best thing is to remain positive and not be bothered with what others think!
OH bless. I’ve never really heard of Adrenal insufficiency but it must be terrible to deal with. I hope you keep on following your dreams and never give up. Just take care of yourself though because everything else can wait. I have to do a lot of prescheduling as well.
Angela thanks for being real and vulnerable with us. It’s always refreshing to see these honest posts. Not everything is always sunshine and daisies and since most people only show the highlight reels of their lives it’s easy to think to forget that everyone else has their own struggles. Good luck and I wish you health and love!
I hope you feel better and this year brings you great health.
I caught your stories on Instagram about this visit. So sorry to hear about everything you have to go through.