Are you looking for simple, fun and easy Halloween crafts for kids! if so look no further! Today I am sharing the Best Toilet Tube Halloween Crafts around!
These toilet tube Halloween characters are exclusive to The Inspiration Edit and I had so much fun preparing this post. Please do share this on social media and Pinterest and help share the love we have for the Halloween season!
I love all these Halloween paper crafts but I am quite partial to the Count Dracula craft and really do love how the Toilet tube Skeletons turned out. Which is your favourite? Let me know in the comments.
Be sure to click on the Red Links above each character to get the complete tutorial for each tube and free download!
Easy Halloween Crafts for Kids
Before we begin I just wanted to share something important I learnt in my first year of teaching. Back in 2006 when I was working in a childcare setting, we were making paper crafts. Two of the teachers were in disagreement. One wanted to cut out the templates and show the children how to make the craft in question when another teacher wanted to allow the children to create them on their own.
Both methods of crafting were good but the two teachers could not agree. The centre manager learned of the disagreement and said, “It’s the process that counts not the end product”. That quote has always stuck with me. It’s not about making perfect crafts but about having fun with kids.
Easy Halloween crafts allow children to use their imagination and be creative and no craft has to be identical or look the same. Kids can be inventive, use there imagination and if they want to make a green pumpkin then why not!
I’m all about learning through play and having fun through Halloween crafts is one way to do this.
Halloween Crafts for Preschoolers
These particular Halloween crafts are perfect for preschool kids, but they can also be made with younger children and older kids. In fact, they don’t have to be just crafts. You could ue these as Halloween decorations or make a whole bunch of Halloween toilet tubes and place them around the home, use them at your Halloween party or on Trick or treat night.
Even adult can have fun making these super cute tube crafts. You could make them in a crafting group or with adults with special needs. The world is your oyster to enjoy!
Toilet Tube Frankenstein Craft
This toilet tube Frankenstein is a fantastic halloween craft idea and I really like the little. bolts sticking out of Frankenstein neck.
Halloween Skeleton Craft
If you want to make a simple and easy skeleton craft then try these toilet tube skeletons. They are super cute, easy to make and really fun! What do you think?
Toilet Tube Count Dracula
You can make a halloween vampire or Count Dracula from toilet tubes. Don’t forget to give your vampire a cloak and cute blood sucking fangs.
Toilet Tube Zombie Craft
Zombies are super popular at Halloween and this cute blue Zombie is really easy to make and full of character. I love the yellow zombie eyes and the pink brain sticking out of the Zombie’s head.
Toilet Tube Werewolf Craft
The werewolf is a great Halloween character and this werewolf paper craft is simple and easy to make and a fun idea for the little ones.
Toilet Tube Halloween Mummy
Why not try making some toilet tube Halloween Mummies. This Halloween Mummy craft is great way to get the kids practicing those fine motor skills as they cut and paste.
Toilet Tube Spider Craft
If you’re look for a fun and simple spider craft to make this Halloween on any time then why not try out this toilet tube spider. It’s simple to make and you can make the activity into a mathematics activity as you count the spider legs.
Toilet Tube Candy Corn
Halloween is never complete without some candy corn and this fun candy corn toilet roll craft is perfect as a Halloween decoration or fun crating activity.
Halloween Witch Toilet Tube Craft
Did you dress up as a witch for Halloween when you were a child? I did plenty of times. I also made some super cute witch crafts. why not make this easy paper witch craft with the kids as a Halloween surprise. You could also hide some candy or treats inside the witches hat! Now that’s an idea!
Toilet tube BAT CRAFT
Your Halloween party is not complete without the odd bat here and there. Why not make these toilet tube bats with the kids and stick them on the mantle or window to spook the neighbours.
Halloween Monster Toilet Tube
We love Monsters here at The Inspiration Edit and these pink Halloween monsters are super cute. You could make your own set of toilet roll Halloween monsters and you can choose as many colors as you like.
Toilet Tube Black Cat
The black cat is a popular Halloween craft and this toilet tube cat is super easy and simple to make with the little ones. You can make this amazing black cat craft along with the other fantastic halloween tube ideas! You’ll love it!
Halloween Swamp Monster Craft
Why not make a super cute Halloween Swamp Monster this season. These toilet tube swamp monsters are simple, easy to make and would help make the home spooky for trick or treaters!
Halloween Toilet Tube Pumpkins
Pumpkins and Jack-o-lanterns go hand in hand with Halloween and this fun Halloween toilet tube craft is another fantastic idea the children will adore making.
Ghost Toilet Tube Craft
Is it even Halloween if you don’t have one or two ghosts in the house? The ghost is a fun halloween character and these cute ghost tubes are easy to make. Add some string and crepe paper and turn this tube into a ghost windsock to hang at your front door!