A Few Thoughts on the Elf on the Shelf
The Elf On The Shelf is now in full force in many homes across the world! And today, I’m sharing a few fun Elf On the Shelf messages that you may want to use alongside your elf this Christmas season. Having this cute little guy hanging around the house can be quite fun. It makes a great Christmas tradition, gets the kids excited, and gives you a lifetime of memories!
My daughter has enjoyed having an Elf on the Shelf this year and it’s been such an interesting experience thus far.
Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Some say this little red guy can report back to Santa whether your child has been good or bad, naughty or nice. I think it’s a fun Christmas tradition idea for little ones. Plus, it just may keep them in check for a little longer than usual! However, I have read and heard about some children blaming the naughty elf for everything. In other words, use this long-legged, blue-eyed boy with caution.
Funny Stories With Elf on the Shelf
In fact, I heard that a friend’s child threw their toys everywhere and then blamed it on the Elf. Another friend asked her son to pick up his DVD’s and he tried to blame the red-hatted boy for messing them up. So, in some ways, I’m not one hundred percent convinced this works. Although the idea is still fun, just use your discretion.
Is Elf on the Shelf Creepy?
Whilst I love the Elf on the Shelf personally, some are not keen on the watchful eye of the Elf. They find him creepy and almost like a stalker. Each to their own I say but — yes, some don’t like the little stringy kid at all. And, they think he is a menace and a creepy crawler.
While we do love our Elf on the Shelf, others might not and that’s ok! Wondering if there is an Elf on the Shelf meaning? It’s really mostly about having fun and giving the kids a laugh and look-forward-to kind of thing.
It’s possible he could remind some people of a character like Chucky from the Horror movie, all plastic with that smile! But, I digress ….
Is Elf on the Shelf for Busy Parents?
Some parents have plenty of time for Elf on the Shelf. Others have not got the time. I guess it depends on how busy we are, what our priorities are at Christmas and the value we place on having this type of fun.
Elf on the Shelf Messages
Without further ado, here are some ideas for Elf on the Shelf messages you can use in your home.
- I’m back!
- Santa says hi!
- Santa says you’re doing great!
- Naughty or Nice?
- Only XX more days!
- Be kind today.
- Santa is watching.
- Do something nice.
- Pick that up, please.
- Eat your veggies.
- Listen to Mom.
- Santa wants you to try harder!
- Listen to Dad.
- Love one another.
- It’s almost time.
- Great job today.
My Final Thoughts on Elf on the Shelf
No one is right or wrong in choosing the little red guy. We are all entitled to our own traditions whether it be Elf on the Shelf, going out and serving others, carol singing or many of the other fun Christmas activities we might do during the Christmas season.
Oh yes, an Elf on the Shelf reminds me Chucky from the Horror movie, I’ve just watched DC’s Legends of tomorrow new ep and it was focused on catching this crazy doll, I am so scary.
Lol.. Me too!