13 Inspirational Quotes About Self Care

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I love finding and collecting quotes about self care. I first learned that self-care is self-love while I was having counselling sessions to help overcome post traumatic stress. 

I created a private Pinterest board of quotes to motivate and encourage myself to take more time out for me.

Today I’m sharing 13 mental health self care quotes to inspire your soul and motivate you to care for yourself a little more.

Woman lying down in a field of purple flowers.

What Is Self Care?

Self care is anything we choose to do that helps take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. Sometimes as a mother I can get so busy parenting and dealing with my health issues that I struggle to take time for self care.

Achieving a good level of self care can help to improve your mood, boost self esteem, reduce anxiety and positively impact your relationships with others.

13 Inspirational Self Care Quotes

Here are 13 fantastic quotes about taking care of yourself which I handpicked and created. You can put these on sticky notes around your house, use them as self care captions for photos, or pin them on your Pinterest boards

I hope you love these self care short quotes.

You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup

self care quote

How true is this quote? It reminds me of flying on an airplane. You have to put on your own mask before you can help anyone else.

Self Care Is a Priority

I totally agree with this quote. In the past I saw caring for myself a real luxury, when in reality, it’s something I need to do daily and something I deserve.

Don’t Ever Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle

Despite all the nay sayers and haters in the world, I won’t let anyone take away my sparkle. I’ll keep shining. As a blogger there are a lot of trolls and I won’t let them drag me down.

Self Care Is Giving the World the Best of You

I love this self care quote. For so long I was unable to give my best to the world because I was worn down in an abusive relationship. By getting out, I was able to change things and rebuild myself up.

Take Care of Yourself First

When we care for ourselves, especially as parents, our kids see our example and feel so much more secure and happy. No matter whether you’re a mum or not, or whether you’re in a relationship, caring for yourself is key to being whole.

Don’t Ever Feel Guilty for Doing What’s Best for You

Doing what is best for you is so so important. In the past I struggled to do this. I have grown in confidence a lot over the years and now I put myself and my family first before the wants of others.

You Owe Yourself the Love That You So Freely Give

Yes! This is so important! Sometimes we can give so much love to others we forget to love ourselves.

Self Care Is Not Selfish

In the past my abusive partner would have me believe that self care and meeting my own needs was selfish. I was expected to meet his every demand and forget about myself. This was so wrong and I am glad to be out of that marriage. Try this clearstem promo code and get something to treat yourself today!

Read: My First Divorce The Raw Truth

Be Gentle With Yourself

Being kind to yourself is so important. Often I can feel down or feel like a bad mother because I am too unwell to do the things I want to do. I need to be kind to myself and remember that I am a fantastic mum trying my best and that’s the truth.

Make Your Soul Happy

This is one of my favorite self care sayings. Finding out who I am and discovering what makes my heart and soul happy has been a journey. It’s a journey I am still on and a road of discovery which I love.

Embrace the Glorious Mess That You Are

Ha Ha! Who isn’t a glorious mess?

Remove the Unacceptable

This is so, so important. I changed my life by leaving a controlling and abusive husband who smothered me and clipped my wings. The relationship was unacceptable and I did what needed to be done.

Learn to Rest Not Quit

This! This is so important. If I quit whenever I got tired, I would have stopped blogging the week I began. I am learning to rest and take breaks to get my body and mind in balance once more.

I hope you enjoyed these quotes about self care. I sure enjoyed sharing them.

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who has specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts and having fun as a family. Angela has also taught cooking skills and loves to share both family recipes and easy crafts here on The Inspiration Edit. Follow her on Pinterest!

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  1. Love all the self-care quote in this post. I think self-care is so important and only we look after ourselves then only we can help to care for the needy or our parents or kids. When you board on the plane and they will tell you to prepare your oxygen mask for yourself first before helping your child.

  2. So glad I happened to find this site. Love your quotes and I will be sharing with a CFS/ME group I belong to. We struggle with guilt over self care and this will brighten their day as it did mine. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I just read your story and can’t find a place to respond, so I came back to this page which I found earlier. You are truly inspirational. You’ve gone through so much in your short life and bounced back stronger after every setback. Thank you for sharing your experiences and giving us hope for a better future!

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