4 Reliable Strategies to Protect Your Kids During the Divorce Process
At least 1.5 million children are affected by divorce annually. A divorce can severely impact children in various ways, including anxiety, anger, depression, social difficulties, and long-term behavioral change. However, it’s your duty to protect the young ones from the divorce aftermath. The following strategies can help you make better decisions during the divorce process.
1. Choose an Amicable Divorce Strategy
You can go through the divorce process more proactively and calmly without unnecessary drama. This strategy can lower your stress levels and protect your kids from harsh realities. While the process is difficult, divorce professionals like Attorney Kristen Marcroft can help you mitigate the impacts. Attorney Kristen Marcroft is an entrepreneur who runs a preeminent New England divorce law firm committed to helping families avoid undesirable outcomes during a divorce.
Mediation or solicitor negotiations allow you to go through important divorce issues in a pressure-free environment. The mediator guides the session to maintain a constructive conversation that works for the common good of your divorce. On the other hand, collaborative law (a relatively new approach involving lawyers with special training) uses predetermined terms to guide the negotiations.
2. Reduce Your Stress Levels
Divorce is among the most stressful events in life and is often full of emotions that need safe channeling. Channeling your emotions to constructive things instead of picking an argument helps you weather the turmoil. It also creates a peaceful environment for your children.
Try maintaining a constant wellness and fitness schedule. Exercise helps your body release endorphins that regulate mood and stress levels. In addition, workouts eliminate excess energy buildup, which could be directed to arguments.
Keeping a detailed journal helps reduce stress levels and offers a clear understanding of the underlying issues behind your bitterness. Ideally, you should identify and write down the stress triggers and how they make you feel in different situations.
Similarly, isolation can be dangerous during a divorce since almost everyone needs support. As such, create time to talk with friends or a divorce counselor. In other words, be proactive in maintaining your mental health as you rebuild your life.
3. Don’t Drag Kids Into Your Arguments
Keeping your kids out of your divorce conflict is the best way to protect your children. While it seems easy, humans often share their pain unconsciously. However, exposing young children to heated arguments has detrimental effects. This is prevalent when arguments are repetitive, and the parents don’t make reconciliation efforts.
If you want to discuss an issue likely to spark an argument, choose a private place away from the kids to discuss with your spouse. Planning the discussion early helps you assess the contentious issues and better articulate your concerns.
4. Help the Kids Adapt to the Changes
Divorce exposes children to sudden changes. Typically, they’ll spend less time with one parent; something new if you’ve lived with your partner for years. In addition, introducing a new partner after a divorce forces your kids to process complex information during turbulent times.
You should provide support and assurance during the transition. Mostly, children tend to internalize their emotions about your divorce, and the pain may not be obvious. Ideally, both parents should be present in their children’s lives regardless of the divorce outcome. Try to allocate time for your kids to help them cope with the changes. But when co-parenting isn’t feasible, explain to your kids about the sudden absence of the other parent.
The best strategy to protect your children during a divorce differs for each family. However, at the core, it means you are doing your best to safeguard your child’s mental health. Just because you can’t get along with your spouse anymore doesn’t mean your children should feel the pain. Constructive collaboration between parents can help the young ones adapt to the new life.