Importance of Hiring a Lawyer After Hit and Run Accident

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Getting involved in a hit-and-run accident can be traumatizing for anyone. In such situations, most people get confused and do not know how to proceed, as the at-fault driver drove off after hitting them. According to the NHTSA, one of every four accident cases in the U.S is a hit-and-run incident. 

While these situations seem hopeless, taking the right actions can help you get compensation. Getting a legal representative involved in such incidents is essential to get the justice you deserve. While some people might be reluctant to take this step, as a victim of a hit-and-run accident, you should understand the importance of hiring a lawyer. 

Hiring a Lawyer After Hit and Run Accident

Understanding Your Options  

Getting an attorney involved is a crucial step in understanding your options. With their experience in similar cases, the lawyer could help identify who is at fault. This is important in deciding how and whether to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against them. They can also provide guidelines for identifying the at-fault driver or motor vehicle. 

Some of the approaches hit-and-run victims get to identify their culprits include:

  • Describing the other motorist.
  • Determining whether a witness in the vicinity noted the vehicle’s tag.
  • Reviewing camera within the accident scene

When working with a lawyer, they can provide you, as the hit-and-run victim, with several options to identify the at-fault driver.

Pursuing a Fault-Based Lawsuit

Hiring a lawyer can help you pursue a fault-based claim, which is available across many states. Within their role of legal representation, they can help you build a case against the at-fault driver if their identity emerges. Your lawyer can take the following steps in this regard:

  • Negotiate a settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  • Commence a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.
  • Provide you with all available options based on your case.

Before proceeding, they will consult you and notify you about the options you have at your disposal. Afterward, you can proceed with whatever action you deem appropriate. Lawyers can also inform you about the possible costs you face in a legal process and whether the process is a dead-end. 

Helping File a Claim Based on Your Insurance Coverage

Dealing with insurance companies can be hectic and time-consuming. Hiring a lawyer to help you undertake this process will be more convenient and help fast-track the claim process. As lawyers have vast experience dealing with stubborn insurers, they can do the job much faster. The lawyer can also help you understand the option of an uninsured motorist policy, which pays when the driver-at-fault lacks liability insurance. Because some states mandate this coverage while others do not, your lawyer can advise on whether this option is available. 

Helping Determine the Damages You Can Get

In hit-and-run incidents, the victim can experience different losses that warrant compensation. In such cases, the lawyer can help determine the damages to pursue. Some of the available compensations in such incidents include the following:

  • General damages: Compensating for the tangible financial losses.
  • Lost Wages: Compensation for losing your earning capacity.
  • Loss of Consortium: Damages for deprivation of affection, including sexual activity. 
  • Property Damages: Compensation for damages to your property because of the hit-and-run accident. 
  • Punitive Damages: The court can impose these types of damages as punishment for the at-fault driver.

Hiring a lawyer is essential, as the legal representative can help you maximize the compensation you receive from such incidents. While some might consider this step a financial convenience, failing to hire a lawyer could have even worse outcomes. Remember that attorneys are trained to help you get justice. Additionally, they have dealt with many similar incidents and can help you understand the outcomes before engaging in legal battles with other parties.

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