Highly Sought After Skills to Use in Another Job
There are some highly sought-after skills that not everyone has. Having one of them can land you a job. And if you have multiple skills that employers look for, then you could find yourself moving up the career ladder pretty quickly. Here is a quick list of some of the most crucial skills.
Analysis and Reasoning
In a world of ever-increasing data, being able to read and interpret data is a huge advantage, especially if you are switching careers. And there is even a career for it. Data science careers span almost every industry today. So you can move from the lab and into the field. Or from the shop floor to the logistics office. But you must also be able to use data in actionable ways as more companies rely on it these days, so data analytics and analysis skills are in high regard.
Highly Sought After Skills Include Logic
You have probably read in countless job descriptions that you must be able to solve problems. Even stacking shelves lists this as a requirement. And because of this, the term has become somewhat diluted over the years. But what it really means in terms of applying yourself is being able to use logic skills. As a job, this means identifying issues before they become a nightmare and working on steps to resolve that issues in ways that have a minimal impact overall.
Quick Thinking on Your Feet
Further to applying logic, it helps if you can do this quickly. Critical thinking means you can come to a snap decision about an issue based on the information you have at the time. This is a very rare skill and one that you need to be able to demonstrate in a real scenario rather than just stating you can do it. If you are applying for a job, it helps to give a real example of a time when you had to think fast to solve a problem, and it actually worked out well for everyone involved.
Adaptability to Workplaces Changes
When Charles Darwin stated “Survival of the fittest,” he didn’t mean the strongest, as most people assume. What Darwin was talking about was the ones that survive are the ones with the best ability to adapt. And this is true of certain careers that change often. If you can be flexible for your job, such as shift changes, bouncing between roles, and reporting to multiple departments, you have a strong chance of growing or landing a job that needs this approach.
Showing Leadership Skills
If you can manage a team or take a supervisory role, that’s great. But leadership is much more than adjusting a rota or monitoring performance. Leadership is more about how you approach a job than how you handle a situation. So, here are some ways you can be a leader at work:
- Show that you can be calm under pressure, and teach others how to be the same.
- Always stay aware of yourself and how each action reflects on you and the company.
- Stay up to date in your industry and learn what you can to be able to answer questions.
- Make goals and stick to them as best you can, delegating tasks to others as well.
- Contribute ideas for innovation all the time and encourage others to do the same.
- Ask for more responsibilities at work, but never more than you can handle safely.
- Surround yourself with talented people and help others reach their full potential.
Leadership at work is a challenging skill to pull off. You might be surrounded by people with the same skills, so it’s hard to stand out. But if you have a great vision, learn to positively influence others, and can handle your emotions, you will be able to demonstrate great leadership skills.
Working as Part of a Team
Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say. But working as part of a team is more than being included in the team. What this means is showing up at work, being a positive influence on other team members, and helping meet the goals of the day by working together. This also means bringing good ideas to the project in more ways than one, first, by not trying to be the best or the strongest. Most jobs don’t need this, and you get more done working well with others.
Proficient in Communication
One of the major buzzwords you will see a lot when looking for a new job is communication. Communication skills at work are essential these days. This is because information is the cornerstone of successful projects. And it must be shared in a concise and accurate way in order to meet project milestones and overall goals. It also adds to the proficiency and efficiency of any team-based project. In short, everyone must be able to understand what you are saying.
Reading and Writing Are Highly Sought After Skills
It’s easy to assume everyone is literate. But it might surprise you that 20% of adults in the United States alone cannot read or write. And, of course, these are major skills for almost every job. However, the good news is that in almost all cases, you need only basic literacy skills to land a job unless the job itself requires a high degree of reading and writing, such as administration. You can find free classes for math and English in most libraries and colleges.
It and Project Management
Having IT skills isn’t necessary for every job. But many require it these days. This is because everything is digitized in some way, and cloud-based systems are being used more and more. Additionally, projects are managed using computers at all levels for data accuracy. Typically IT systems and collaboration apps help you visualize what needs to be done. And even spreadsheets are used for the most basic office or project tasks, goals, and budget breakdowns.
There are many highly sought-after skills that you may not know you have that you can transfer to a new job. These include data analysis skills, which are requested more these days. Also, being able to adapt and lead others and using different IT systems for project management.