25 Baby Led Weaning Foods for Little Ones

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25 Baby Led Weaning Foods For Little Ones

When Sylvia was a baby I loved the Baby Led Weaning stage. Sylvia was an easy baby and loved making food for her. Sylvia’s first solid food was sweet potato mashed. In New Zealand, we called it Kumara and to this day it is something she really enjoys.


As Sylvia grew and was able to eat more foods I enjoyed testing out and trying new items. Today I am sharing a list of 25 Baby Led Weaning Foods for little ones and hope you find this list super helpful!

Angela x


25 Baby Led Weaning Foods

baby led weaning
  1. Oats
  2. Rice
  3. Bread
  4. Pasta
  5. Teething Biscuits
  6. Banana
  7. Mango
  8. Mandarin
  9. Pear
  10. Plum
  11. Watermelon
  12. Avocado
  13. Melon
  14. Salmon
  15. White fish
  16. Chicken
  17. Beef
  18. Cheese
  19. Yogurt
  20. Egg yolk
  21. Nut butter
  22. Yogurt
  23. Carrots
  24. Zucchini
  25. Asparagus

I have created a useful printable which you may want to download and pin up in the kitchen for when you’re looking for great ideas! I do hope you like this!



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  1. Oh I love this list! We are going through this stage now and I have honestly just been winging the whole thing! This list is helpful!

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