Art sets the mood: The emotional impact of integrating artwork in your house

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Art can be described as an emotional message transmitted to the audience, aiming to evoke specific feelings within the viewers to create a personal perception of the artist’s work. Through style, color, concept, and theme, the artists can create an emotional response, directly impacting the brains of the viewers on a deep level, giving a purpose to their talent.

Every art lover wants to integrate unique pieces into their house, but many don’t understand exactly what makes them feel attracted to specific artwork more than others. The psychology behind the artwork is not simple, but many studies conducted over the years have suggested that art in our lives is simply essential, and being surrounded by it in your home has a strong emotional impact on you.

So, we can say that art is a mood setter, and to dig deeply into this subject, in this article, you can find the main reasons why it’s so impactful: 

Art sets the mood.

Color Psychology 

Color psychology is an underlying potent component of the art-making process for artists. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why art pieces evoke specific emotions within you. The color choices of the artists are usually strategic; they want to represent an exact feeling. For example, Pablo Picasso, in his masterpiece The Old Guitarist (1903-1904), used dark blue tones and black, suggesting a feeling of solitude and sadness, and it’s known that the “blue era” of the artist reflected his mental state, as he was living in poverty and facing depression.

So, the inner torments of Picasso were transmitted through his art piece by simply using two colors from which the melancholic nature can be perceived by any viewer. Other popular color choices for artists are green, which is linked to the power of nature, suggesting a sense of vitality, and red, which, from a positive point of view, can represent passion, while from a negative perspective, can express turmoil and anger (like in the popular piece The Scream by Munch).

Yellow is often used to represent cheerfulness and happiness, and pink can express gratitude, softness, and joy, as Picasso suggests during his pink period when the melancholic and sad era ended. 

Popular Art Styles in Home Design 

Integrating art into your house is a great way to set the atmosphere for your rooms and provide your visitors with a glimpse of your personality, making your house feel like home. Art is an investment choice that can survive for generations to come, so it would be best to opt for unique pieces that bring value into your house, both materialistically and emotionally.

So, you can look at the wide range of art for sale online and choose to buy the piece that attracts you most. To get inspired, for instance, these are some of the most popular style choices of homeowners: 

  • Abstract art: this style doesn’t attempt to represent an exact object of the visual reality, but it mainly focuses on the combination of color and shapes to evoke emotions. It’s popular in modern interior designs. 
  • Pop art: this movement appeared in the mid- to late 1950s, and it began as a revolt against traditional beliefs on art and culture. Nowadays, you can find multiple pop art pieces in vivid colours, playful techniques and an overall unique and modern aesthetic. 
  • Surrealism: this movement aims to revolutionise visual reality, offering the viewers a new perspective. Surrealism suggests the beauty of the “strange”, representing dreamlike images containing various characters and elements of the real world, but combining them in a unique way. 
  • Figurative: this realistic style has strong references to the real world, representing characters and objects clearly, mixing modern and classic techniques and using colours to strengthen the message of the piece. 

Art fights negative feelings

Art is a powerful tool for your mental well-being. In fact, being surrounded by art can help you explore your inner self and encourage you to do an introspection; it can get easier to identify and embrace your emotions and express them freely, which can be a great point to start your emotional healing process.

Decorating your house with artwork is a form of self-expression itself, which can simply make you feel happier, as you have the opportunity to tell people around you who you are and what your passions are, promoting a sense of personality. It’s essential to opt for pieces you feel connected to because they can provide a sense of comfort that minimizes stressful thoughts.

Moreover, the color palette, shapes, and techniques used by the artist can set the mood in the room, and your brain can immediately perceive it as an emotional signal, making you feel better and more comfortable. 

Enhanced focus and productivity 

Studies suggest that a stimulating visual environment can improve your focus and enhance your productivity significantly. So, no matter if you work from home or have a long list of tasks every day and it can be hard to manage them all, being surrounded by artwork promotes a sense of confidence, which can boost your productivity and help you in the decision-making processes.

The aesthetic and the underlying meanings of an art piece impact your perception of real life, and if you choose the right masterpiece to integrate into your home, it’s more likely for you to feel more creative, motivated, and focused. 

Art makes your house feel like home 

Art promotes a sense of personality, which is a crucial aspect to make your house feel like the most comfortable place on earth. By integrating artwork in your house, you don’t just elevate the interior design, but you also create the perfect environment for expressing who you are, and embrace a positive perspective that can transform your life. So, we can safely say that art is what you’ve been missing to make your house feel like home. 

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