Yummy Lentil Soup Recipe on a Budget

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Yummy Lentil Soup Recipe On A Budget

My mother is a wonderful cook. Growing up we always had a monthly meal plan stuck to the fridge. Having a menu not only saved time as we did not have to think “what shall I cook today” but it also helped with budgeting and shopping.

Having a planed menu also helped us to stay healthier as we bought in the foods we needed for the week and left the junk at the supermarket.

As some of you know, I do struggle to stand for a long period of time and often feel dizzy and weak, so when it comes to meal times we usually make the food together as a family if I am well enough.

What’s really great about this is that it helps me to manage a task I otherwise could not do on my own, teaches my hubby new skills (and I must say he is becoming a budding chef) and my daughter finds it really fun to help out in the kitchen.

So Sylvia, my husband and I cooked a tasty Lentil soup. We had most of the ingredients at home in stock which was great.

We opted not to add cream into the soup at the end for decoration as we wanted to keep the recipe as unprocessed as possible and as healthy as we could. Instead we grated celery on top of the soup!

Lentil Soup Recipe for Bariatric Patients.

Once the soup was cooked. Sylvia blended it up! Sylvia always enjoys using the blend stick, so of course the recipe was a fun one for her! She also enjoyed the soup which was a surprise as she can be one fussy eater at times. (We always supervise and make sure our daughter is safe when helping us out in the kitchen).

The soup was delicious and we had fun as a family cooking together.

Lentil Soup Recipe Ingredients

200g Lentils

2 tablespoons Tomato Puree

cayenne pepper

salt and pepper

1/2 an onion

1/2 pepper

2 vegetable stock cubes

Lentil Soup Ingredients.

How to Cook the Yummy Lentil Soups

  1. Cook the onions with Olive oil in a pan until soft.
  2. Chop the stock cubes and add to the pan along with 200g of lentils and a tablespoon of tomato paste and chopped pepper.
  3. Season with Salt, pepper and sprinkle caynne pepper.
  4. Turn the heat on high, add 2 Ltrs of water and bring to boil.
  5. Reduce heat and cook for further 30 minutes until the liquid has reduced significantly.
  6. Puree the soup.
Lentil Soup Recipe for Bariatric Patients.

The soup turned out delicious and was a very cheap meal to make on a budget.

Yummy Lentil Soup Recipe

Yummy Lentil Soup Recipe


  • 200 g Lentils
  • Tomato Puree
  • cayenne pepper
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 an onion
  • 1/2 pepper
  • 2 vegetable stock cubes


  • Cook the onions with Olive oil in a pan until soft.
  • Chop the stock cubes and add to the pan along with 200g of lentils and a tablespoon of tomato paste and chopped pepper.
  • Season with Salt, pepper and sprinkle caynne pepper.
  • Turn the heat on high, add 2 Ltrs of water and bring to boil.
  • Reduce heat and cook for further 30 minutes until the liquid has reduced significantly.
  • Puree the soup.


What do you cook on a budget? 

Angela x

Lentil Soup Recipe for Bariatric Patients.

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  1. This sounds yummy – I do like lentils and haven’t cooked them in ages. Here we can usually only find green lentils, not red ones, and they take a long time to cook. Are the peppers red pepper or any colour? The apron really suits Sylvia!

    1. You can use any pepper! We used orange as that’s what we had in but any will do. I recently read that it is good to eat the rainbow! So as many colours in a meal as possible makes it healthy! Sylvia did look nice in the apron! I agree!

      Angela xx

    1. Thanks Angela. HA HA (We have the same name). I’ve never grated celery before but it worked well and added to the look of the soup! 🙂 Angela xx

  2. I always have good intentions to make a meal plan for the week but it rarely happens. It would be nice to have it all done for me! Hope you continue to find good recipes, the lentil soup looks tasty 🙂

    1. Ha ha. We have a chart but sometimes we just flip and change and swap, but the guide helps us to stay on budget with the grocery shopping. Angela x

  3. Oh wow, we love lentil soup here too, it’s my go-to soup and your daughter is just beautiful. Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays x

    1. Lentils are yummy! My daughter is lovely, her cuteness makes up for all the times she drives me bonkers lol! I love her very much! Angela xx

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