Just Because You’re A Mom, Doesn’t Mean You Have To Sacrifice Yourself
Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean You Have To Sacrifice Yourself. It’s easy to forget that you’re a person too, with your own needs, dreams, and aspirations. Motherhood is about love and care, but it’s also important to nurture yourself along the way. After all, a happy, fulfilled mom is the best gift you can give your family.
It’s really easy to get swept up in your kids and forget about your own needs, but you are abandoning yourself every time that you do this. We are not saying that you should not tend to your kids, be there for your kids, and do everything that you can to make sure that they have the best life possible, of course you should. But, that does not have to be at the detriment of your own life and that’s what we need you to understand.
In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you should be doing to ensure that you are taking care of yourself as well as everyone else. If you would like to find out more about this topic, feel free to read on.
Spend Time On Your Own
The first thing that we’re going to recommend is that you start spending some time on your own to recoup. This doesn’t have to be a large amount of time, just some time that you have set aside to have some peace and help you ground yourself.
The great thing about this is that it doesn’t have to take any time away from your kids if you do not want it to as you can do this after they are in bed for the night. It might be an hour before you clean up after the day, or it might be an hour before you do this. Some days you may only need half an hour, other days you might need a little longer.
There is no limit on the time that you can give yourself to be by yourself. If you have a partner, maybe just try explaining to them that you need this small amount of time to yourself and then you can do things together. They should understand, and if they don’t, that doesn’t mean that what you need is not okay.
Do The Things That You Love
Another thing that we want to mention is the fact that you should be doing the things that you love. It’s hard to make time for this when you have so much to do, but you need to find some time, somewhere to make this happen. It’s not fair that you don’t get to do the things that you enjoy simply because you have children now. Of course, if what you love is going bar hopping in another country then sure, you can’t really do that because you have responsibilities at home. Though, you may be able to go once every now and then.
We’re talking about things like going to the spa to get pampered or going out to the cinema to see a movie every now and then. It’s basic things like this that you should be able to do as long as you plan them out in advance. Find someone to watch your kid(s) and then you’re all good to go! You can ask a friend or family member to do this, or you can pay a babysitter depending on who is available and what you feel comfortable doing.
Try Out New Hobbies
It may have gotten to a point where you really no longer have any hobbies, and that’s not okay. If you don’t have hobbies, then what do you do for fun? What do you do just because you want to? What do you do because it brings a little bit of happiness into your life? You deserve to have something that is your own, and if you don’t have anything like this, then you need to find something asap.
There’s always a chance that you’re going to have to trial and error a few hobbies until you find the one that you fall in love with, but that’s okay. There’s no rush, so you can take your time trying out new things. For example, if you know that you quite enjoy playing games then there is a multitude for you to try. There are video games like Fortnite or Forza or so many others. There are table games such as Mahjong, puzzles like sudoku and so much more. Despite the bad reputation that gaming has, as long as you keep it fun, it’s all good.
You could also think about trying things like painting or other creative hobbies if you’ve always been the creative type. Try not to just stay inside your comfort zone though, try something new if you want, because you’re never going to know if you don’t try.
Go Out For A Walk Without Your Kids
Of course, getting out for a walk with your kids is important so that you are all getting some exercise and not staying cooped up inside your home all of the time. But sometimes, depending on your children, this can be quite stressful. So, it might be nice to get out of the house for a walk without your children sometimes.
It’s nothing against them, but it may be nice for you to just go for a walk, get in some steps, clear your head and then come back feeling fresh. Surely this is better than having a stressful time out with the kids, coming back and then losing your temper because you didn’t get five minutes to yourself.
This is only going to be possible if there is someone home to watch the kids. It might seem like a strange thing to do, but we promise you that you will feel better for it,
Ask For Help When You Are Struggling
Everyone struggles sometimes, momma. Being a parent is not easy, and you need to learn to ask for help when you are struggling. Whether you need to ask your partner to pick up a little extra slack sometimes, or you need to ask your parents if they can watch your kids for you briefly so that you can get a little break, you’ve just got to communicate with your support system.
We understand that you don’t want to feel like a burden and you feel as though because you had the kids you should be able to manage them on your own, but that’s an unrealistic expectation to set on yourself. They always say that it takes a village to raise a child, and you need to rely on the people around you before you burn out.
You might think that it is all yours to take on alone, but how would you feel if someone that you loved did this and didn’t reach out to you for help? You would be upset, right? Because they didn’t come to you when they were struggling and needed help. That’s how your loved ones feel about you, so learn to communicate your needs with those who want to help.
Remember That You’re A Person Too
Something that we need you to remember is that you are a person too. You are not just a mother, you are a person. You did not lose the person that you were before just because you became a parent, and you shouldn’t have to. The problem with motherhood is that we focus so much on our babies that we forget that we need looking after too.
Basic things like hygiene and eating get neglected because we are so busy ensuring that the little ones are okay, and you don’t notice it at the time. You don’t notice yourself going without for the sake of someone else because it feels natural to do so. But, we are telling you now that the longer you forget to take care of yourself, the worse it’s going to be when you do finally realize what is going on.
How are you supposed to give your children the very best version of you if you are not the best version of you? You can’t, and that’s not okay. Instead, you have to start taking care of yourself the way that you used to, and the way that you take care of your kids.
You deserve to do this simply because you are you, and while it might not feel too important right now, come back to this article once you’ve started looking after yourself again and see how different you feel.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see that just because you are a mom, that doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice yourself. We understand that there will be times where you miss out on things for the sake of your children, but this does not have to be an everyday occurrence.
As long as you take some time for yourself regularly, this is what matters. Always try to keep in mind that you cannot give them your best if you are not at your best, and this should motivate you to take care of yourself as well as your children. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you find a way to balance this going forward.