8 Types of Anxiety Disorders: When Do They Become a Serious Issue?

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Anxiety is a normal human emotion, but for some people it becomes excessive and evolves into an anxiety disorder. There are many types of anxiety disorders that cause significant distress and interference with daily activities. Understanding the different types and being able to recognize when anxiety has become severe can encourage seeking help through mental health services.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) have persistent, excessive worry about everyday issues. The anxiety and tension make it hard to concentrate and sleep. Therapy, lifestyle changes, and sometimes medication can help manage GAD. Seeking treatment is recommended if the anxiety disrupts work, relationships, or wellbeing.

Social Anxiety Disorder

What is social anxiety disorder? Social Anxiety Disorder involves an intense fear of social situations due to feeling embarrassed, humiliated, or judged. People may avoid public settings altogether. Therapy helps overcome fears and make socializing easier. If social anxiety hinders normal activities or causes isolation, seeking mental health services is advised.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder involves sudden, unexpected panic attacks with symptoms like a racing heart, dizziness, and terror. Attacks can happen anytime, severely impacting daily life. Seeing a mental health professional for therapy and stress management skills can help prevent debilitating panic.


Phobias cause irrational fear related to specific objects or situations such as heights, flying, or spiders. The fear is excessive for the actual level of danger. Gradually facing fears with a therapist helps overcome phobias interfering with normal life.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)OCD causes upsetting, uncontrollable thoughts or rituals the person feels compelled to repeat over and over such as excessive hand washing. Talk therapy helps manage OCD. Seeking treatment is recommended if OCD makes it difficult to function normally.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)PTSD can develop after traumatic events like combat, assault, or disasters. Symptoms include flashbacks, hypervigilance, and avoidance. EMDR therapy helps process trauma. Seeking treatment is key if PTSD is making it hard to work or have healthy relationships.

Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety Excessive fear about being away from home or loved ones is separation anxiety. It’s common in children but can also affect adults. Talk therapy helps overcome separation anxiety and regain independence. Seeking help is recommended if the anxiety severely limits activities.

Illness Anxiety DisorderFormerly called hypochondria, illness anxiety means worrying excessively that normal aches or sensations might indicate a serious medical problem. CBT helps correct unhelpful thinking patterns if health anxiety becomes disruptive or obsessive.

Seeking Help from a Treatment Center

For many people with anxiety disorders, symptoms can be managed effectively through outpatient therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and support groups. However, in more severe cases, the structure and intensive treatment available from an inpatient or residential mental health treatment center may be needed.

Signs that anxiety may require a higher level of care include:

● Suicidal thoughts or self-harm behaviors

● Panic attacks or anxiety preventing you from leaving home

● Missing work or school frequently due to anxiety- Severe depression occurring along with anxiety

● Substance abuse as an unhealthy coping mechanism

● Anxiety causing strains in relationships or isolation from others

Being admitted to an anxiety disorder mental health treatment center allows 24/7 monitoring and support. It also removes everyday stresses to focus fully on recovery. A combination of medication management, individual and group therapy, mindfulness practices, and healthy lifestyle education can be provided in a comprehensive inpatient program.

The right treatment can help manage anxiety disorders and improve quality of life. Many resources are available, including therapy, stress management classes, support groups, and mental health clinics. Reach out for help from a mental health professional if anxiety symptoms are taking over your life, impacting work or relationships, causing isolation, or making it hard to cope with daily activities. You don’t have to keep struggling with anxiety alone.

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