5 Signs of Male Infertility That Are Often Overlooked by Couples

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When it comes to trying to conceive, the spotlight often shines on female fertility. But let’s not forget that Signs of Male Infertility can be a significant factor, too. They are responsible for about 20% of such cases. 

So, if the female partner is not conceiving a baby, it might be time to consider male infertility. Sometimes, these signs are subtle or even completely missed. In that case, you need to seek help from the specialists. 

So, read the article to know the signs of male fertility issues & who can help you recognize & eradicate them.

Signs of Male Infertility

Who Can Help You to Know?

Feeling overwhelmed about how you will know about these signs? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

A fertility doctor can be incredibly helpful in spotting male infertility issues. They’re experienced in diagnosing and providing thorough treatment for the conditions leading to male infertility. You can easily schedule a consultation by contacting them over the phone. The bonus for you here is that they have a great presence online, which will help you connect with them unhindered.

Without further ado, let’s see what these issues can be.

1. Azoospermia

Ever heard of azoospermia? It’s a condition where there’s no sperm in the ejaculate. Sounds serious, right? And it is! 

It can be caused by blockages or issues with sperm production. This might happen because of vasectomy, surgical complications, or any sort of infection. It might show various symptoms, such as:

  • Pain or swelling in the testicle area.
  • Decrement in hair throughout your body.
  • Other hormonal abnormalities.

If any of the above is a concern, the fertility specialist can help figure out what’s going on. S/he will also suggest treatments like surgery or assisted reproductive ways like: 

a) Micro TESE (Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction): If the body produces insufficient sperms, this method is used by the experienced person.

b) MESA (Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration): This way is used at the time of blockage.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED)? It might not be just about the bedroom. ED can sometimes point to underlying issues that affect fertility, like poor blood flow or hormone problems. It can be caused by the diverse array of physical and mental issues like:

  • Diabetes,
  • Heart diseases,
  • Stress,
  • Depression, etc.

If you’re experiencing ED regularly, it’s a good idea to see the doctor. You must book a consulting slot with them immediately. They can help identify any underlying issues and provide you with treatment. The fertility doctor can use the various ways to resolve this issue, such as:

  • Medicines like Viagra or Cialis, 
  • Penis Pumps, 
  • Injections,
  • Implants,
  • Lifestyle transitions, etc.

3. Consistent Testicular Pain

Persistent pain in the testicles is so common that about 50% of men address it over their lifetimes. It could be a sign of conditions like infections or varicoceles (enlarged veins). 

The causes lie behind it contains: 

  1. Epididymitis: The epididymis is a duct located behind the testes. When it becomes inflamed, it becomes the reason for the pain.
  2. Trauma: Any sort of physical trauma can cause chronic pain in the testicles.
  3. Hernia: If any part of your intestine bugles into the scrotum, then that also results in pain. 
  4. Varicocele: Due to the swollen and twisted veins around the testicles, pain may arise.

These issues can affect sperm production and fertility. If you’re dealing with a pain that won’t go away, make sure to get it checked out. A specialist can help figure out what’s causing it and how to treat it.

They use the initial treatments with antibiotics and medications. But if it doesn’t make any difference in the situation, then they’ll go for surgical technique, namely: microsurgical denervation of the spermatic cord, aka “cord stripping.”

4. Difficulty Ejaculating or Changes in Ejaculation

Whether it’s trouble ejaculating or changes in the volume or consistency of ejaculation, it can be a red flag. This is also known as “Anejaculation” or “Ejaculatory Dysfunction”. This problem might be related to:

  • Blockages, 
  • Hormonal imbalances or even
  • Neurological issues. 

The fertility doctor can help pinpoint the exact cause of the problem and recommend treatments to improve your fertility. They generally use two treatments for it based on the prevalent conditions:

  1. Vibratory stimulation: Here, a mechanical vibrator is used, which is placed under the penis of the patient. This will vibrate at a set frequency and wave amplitude.
  2. Electroejaculation: It is accomplished with the help of a device called an electroejaculator.

5. Genetic Conditions

Conditions like Klinefelter syndrome or Y chromosome microdeletions can impact sperm production. However, it is very rare, as it’s found in 1 out of 600 newborn boys. Yet, who knows? You must be aware of it.

If you suspect a genetic issue, getting a genetic evaluation can be really helpful. A fertility specialist can guide you through the testing process. They usually apply the following treatments:

  • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection),
  • IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation).

Wrapping Up

Early intervention can make a big difference in addressing fertility problems and finding effective solutions. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to contact a fertility specialist to avoid it.

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