Gingerbread Man Activity Sheets

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Christmas is around the corner, and these Gingerbread Man activity sheets make the perfect Christmas activities for fun at home or in the classroom! Not only do they get everyone into the Christmas spirit, but they are educational and fun! If you love these activity sheets then you’ll want to try these Christmas Coloring Pages for kids.

gingerbread man activity sheets

3 Ways to Use Worksheets in a Classroom

You don’t want to just pass out meaningless worksheets to kids. When you do that, they don’t see the point. Instead, you can make them meaningful by adding worksheets to your day. Here are 5 ways to use worksheets in a classroom:

#1 Use Them as Centers

A great way to use worksheets is to use them at a center. You could use them for the art center, the word center, or even the writing center. Place them in the center with directions on what you want the students to do with them.

#2 Make Them Morning Work

A great way to use worksheets is to use them in the morning as students are coming to school. We all know that students need something to do in the morning to get them prepared for the day, but it can’t be anything crazy. Worksheets are the perfect way to get them into the mood.

#3 Use Them to Enhance a Story

Worksheets are a great way to enhance a story. After you read a story, you can find a worksheet that goes along with it. Be sure to include a worksheet that allows for creativity as well. 

How to Use These Gingerbread Man Activity Sheets

When it comes to worksheets, however, I have found that students will get done with them in 10-minutes, so here are some ways to keep the kids occupied with these Gingerbread man activity sheets for longer than 10-minutes. 

Read a Gingerbread Man Story

Many of the words found in the Scrabble worksheet can be found in various books. Additionally, coloring sheets are a perfect way for kids to decorate their own Gingerbread man from the story you read. Here are some great books to go along with these activity sheets:

Creative Writing

Instead of just having the kids color a gingerbread man, consider a writing prompt to go along with it. This way, they can write a story and color a picture to go with their story. Here are some writing prompt ideas to go with the coloring pages:

  • My Life as a Gingerbread Man
  • How to Catch a Gingerbread Man
  • If the Fox hadn’t Caught the Gingerbread Man….
  • The True Story of the Gingerbread Man
  • What I Would Do If I were a Gingerbread Man

An Art Project

Instead of having students just color a picture, turn the activity sheets into an art project. Students can cut out their Gingerbread man coloring sheet and glue it onto construction paper creating their favorite scene around it. This is also a great time to take out the watercolors and make a watercolor background to go with your printable like what is done in this Hammerhead Shark Craft

Have Kids Create Their Own Worksheet

Once students have made their way through the word search and word scrambles, have them make their own. They can find the words then hide them in their own word search to have other students find them. This builds community, promotes spelling, and uses critical thinking skills. It’s a great activity and really lets kids get creative while having fun with their peers. 

gingerbread man activity sheets

Download your Gingerbread Man Activity Sheets here!

About Angela Milnes

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who has specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts and having fun as a family. Angela has also taught cooking skills and loves to share both family recipes and easy instant pot recipes here on The Inspiration Edit. Follow her on Pinterest!

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