Flying With Adrenal Insufficiency on an Aeroplane

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Since getting diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency in 2013 I soon learnt that there are certain things which will drain the body of cortisol much faster than usual and therefore these things are best to avoid. One of these things is flying on an Aeroplane.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

Well, this is best to avoid at least until your adrenal insufficiency is stabled and managed to the point you are well enough to do them. Once your health is stable enough it’s okay to fly on a plane so long as you stress dose, “take extra medication” during the flight and monitor your health carefully. You also have to take an emergency kit in case of adrenal crisis.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

For me I have two stress dose rates. One is double and one is triple. For my flight to Paris and my first flight in 7 years I tripled my dose for the day and took extra before we set off.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

It’s better to be over for the day and have too much cortisol in the system than not enough and this was a test run for future adventures which could take me further afield.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

So getting on the plane was not too bad. I used a wheelchair to go through the baggage, security and passport controls. This helped me to rest up and pace for the journey. Once I was on the plane and we took off I felt a little unwell.

It really wasn’t too bad. I felt a little nausea and a strange pain in my legs but apart from that I managed okay. Once we got out on the other side and drove to our airport hotel I was ready for a rest.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

I rested on the bed for about 4 hours and slept. By the next day I was feeling much better and ready to continue the journey. I am really glad I managed the flight okay and that I know what to do. I know how much medication I would need to get through and I know I could probably do a longer flight although I might struggle with exhaustion a little.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

Flying on an aeroplane with Adrenal Insufficiency is now something I feel more confident about. It is not something my body would have coped with before I went on the Adrenal Pump 14 months ago but now I can and in future I can go on more family holidays, although we will always have to pace and take things slow.

flying with Adrenal Insufficiency

It sure was great flying to Paris and Disneyland was awesome!

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  1. Adrenal Insufficiency is not a disease I am familiar with. I guess we each know our own. I’m happy for you that you could travel and only need extra rest. I imagine Paris was beautful, I’m glad you had fun!

  2. When you fly more frequently it becomes less stressful, and you find you don’t always need to increase your steroid dosage. Another big challenge is eating while keeping your flight schedule. I will feel bad pretty fast if I skip meals, so finding healthy, gluten free, food at various airports between flight connections was an adventure!!

  3. I am glad you have been able to figure this out and enjoy your trip to Paris and Disneyland. We just got back from Disney World in Florida and it was a lot of fun. Paris is next on my list.

  4. Now you tell me; I crashed two times.. just keeled over with head smacking 1. my wife’s table and 2. then some fat guy’s table. My trouble with this is that before I had travelled the World picking up over 1 million frequent flyers points (yes PLUS 1 million plus and never used) -so why should a flight scare or stress me ?…

    Cheers Angela for the heads up again; I never connected the dots before.

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