The striking effects of AI in marketing ―and how to implement it

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Artificial Intelligence is one of the latest innovations in the modern world, and it has recently been made approachable for regular users. Plenty of software programs allow you to create anything you can imagine, from pictures to complex texts. 

AI is usually used along with machine learning and deep learning systems that work on AI algorithms, so a simple program can achieve everything within the bounds of possibility. Besides qualifying the human mind to wander, AI is also useful for businesses, as it employs predictive maintenance and fraud detection, helping mitigate some of the most challenging issues companies face. 

Since AI is so efficient in organizations, it has recently been leveraged in marketing strategies as well. But how can it be blended with human features? Let’s dive into the subject.

effects of AI in marketing

How can AI be leveraged in marketing? 

The best use of artificial intelligence is to analyze large amounts of data and turn it into apprehensive content. When it comes to marketing, AI can analyze customer behavior based on the clicking rate or the overall reach of a social media post. 

At the same time, AI is helpful in research, as it can summarize articles and research the market to provide valuable information about its dynamics. But what’s most intriguing about using AI is that marketers leverage it for content creation. For example, parents could get printed books made with an AI story generator based on a prompt that includes specific characters and certain images, personalizing the product thoroughly to fit customers’ demands.

AI is great for social media posts, blogs, and short narratives, as it gets straight to the idea while adjusting the tone accordingly in no time. Considering how customers are attracted by the power of storytelling, assessing your brand’s image through commentaries or news tailored with a story generator is best for extending your popularity on the market. 

Other innovative use cases of AI 

Currently, AI’s use cases are developing and expanding, but that doesn’t mean it’s limited for marketers. One of the most efficient ways to use AI as a marketing tool is by employing chatbots through natural language processing (NLP), which can make it easy for customers to receive fast and straightforward answers to common questions. This way, they won’t have to wait endless minutes until someone from customer service will help them.

Advanced updates can tailor the AI responses to the conversation’s progress. At the same time, some chatbots can also respond to different questions on the matter, so it doesn’t necessarily follow the pre-programmed path. 

Marketers have also started using AI in automated email marketing campaigns, as it makes the content more engaging based on the behavior of the email list. The AI program can brainstorm and research information to create the best content for a successful campaign.

Ups and downs of using AI in marketing 

Since artificial intelligence is still developing, marketers face ups and downs. While it’s not yet tailored for every industry, it can generally contribute to increased ROI since it uses the best techniques to analyze data and create efficient campaigns. Therefore, marketers employ cost-effective measures while working more productively. 

Companies also harness AI features for speed, as they provide the necessary information for a campaign in minutes. This ensures that marketing decisions are based on reliable data, leading to improved customer experience

Unfortunately, Artificial Intelligence has some drawbacks. First, the accuracy of the content’s quality can sometimes be lacking, so marketers need to double-check it before usage. At the same time, customers are concerned about their data privacy with companies that leverage AI because the predictive analysis is based on their internet behavior and cookies. 

As the regulation framework for artificial intelligence is still in development, marketers might face difficulties in defining what is legal. For now, AI battles copyright laws on human authorship, so it’s not clear how AI-based information is owned. 

Blending AI with human intelligence 

The best thing to do now is to combine AI with HI to get the best from both worlds. If AI gives you speed, HI provides accuracy. In other words, companies need to augment human intelligence with artificial intelligence to balance biases and equitability. 

Here are some simple examples of how these two concepts can work together:

  • While AI processes data fast and identify patterns, humans can interpret them based on their domain expertise;
  • While AI can perform repetitive tasks, humans should ensure their accuracy and fix errors;
  • While AI can personalize user experiences, humans can handle sensitive content;
  • While AI can automatically translate anything, humans can assess cultural nuances;
  • While AI analyzes data to identify potential threats, humans can strategically cater for their next move;

How do other companies leverage AI?

As soon as AI became easily accessible by any user, companies immediately tried incorporating it into their marketing campaigns to leverage its benefits. Netflix, for example, uses one’s viewing history to recommend movies or TV shows accurately, improving the customer experience and increasing conversion rates. 

Spotify does something similar with AI, providing customized playlists and song recommendations based on a person’s listening history. However, Amazon uses AI to showcase the products that some customers would most likely buy based on predictive analysis. 

In these cases, AI enhances customers’ experiences, so most people are not really creeped out by AI because it allows them to explore relevant content. 

What do you think about using AI in marketing? 

As AI got ahold over the world, more companies approached it to improve their customers’ experiences and dwell into new markets effortlessly. Marketers leverage artificial intelligence to create unique content, analyze massive amounts of data and provide clients with reliable chatbots. While these methods ensure businesses’ popularity on the market, they must be wary of the challenges of using AI, such as legal implications and errors. Still, organizations like Netflix and Spotify have successfully introduced AI, so now’s the time for your businesses to do it as well. 

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