5 Fun Dog Activities for Your Pet

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5 Fun Dog Activities for Your Pet

Well today we have a special post on 5 fun dog activities for your pet. We love our Bichon Frise dogs Yoda and Casper and want them to be happy and have a fun and adventurous life. Today we are featuring another Bichon dog called Rosie. If you’re also planning on adding a cat to your family, visit Dog Blog for tips on how to introduce a cat to your dog.

Bichon Frise Rosie

Rosie recently went to the Seaside with her family and we just love her photos. What do you think? Here is a special thank you to Rosie’s owner for sharing these pictures on The Inspiration Edit.

Bichon Frise Rosie

Whether you own a Bichon Frise or your the owner of the Swedish Vallhund, all dogs need to have fun. Here is our list of 5 fun things to do with your dog.

Go To The Beach

Visiting the beach can be a fun activity for any dog, let them explore, go in the water, get wet and have a fabulous time. I’m sure any dog will enjoy this kind of adventure.

dog at the beach

Go Surfing With Your Dog 

This may take some practice but taking a dog surfing can be really fun. Catching the waves together and then relaxing on the beach afterwards could be the ideal way to spend the afternoon.

Surf with a dog

Play Catch

What dog doesn’t like to play catch, whether you in the garden, at a local park or further afield, catch is a fun game and something our Bichon dogs really enjoy.

Play Catch

Dress Up

Some dogs do and some dogs don’t like to dress up. Our dog Yoda is not so keen whereas Casper loves to wear different outfits. Why not give this a go and see if your dog enjoys it? Casper feels comfy when covered and so dress up is a comfort to him.

dog fashion

Waterplay with Dogs

Why not try out some water play with your dog, get a paddling pool with some water, make some ice blocks from chicken flavoured water and fill them with dog toys. This could be a really fun way to spend a sunny afternoon with your dog and help them stay hydrated in the Summer.

dog paddling pool

So here are 5 fun things you could do with your dog. Do you have any other ideas? I’d love to hear from your.

Angela x

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  1. Awww, this is so nice. I am smiling seeing the pictures. They are so adorable. I want the dress up part, surfing and beaching with them.

  2. I miss having a dog! It’s so awesome to do activities with them and take them to places. They’re so fun to be with. I am loving these ideas!

  3. LOL I love this idea. My dog seems so small that I feel like the only fun thing to do is take her in a doggy purse and walk around. She is super spoiled so she doesn’t like to walk in unknown areas.

  4. My Rottweiler loves the water. I will have to check into taking her on a boat. I bet she would love this.

  5. These are some really good fun things to do with your dog. I have never took my dog to the beach but this summer I will have to do that. He really loves walking and I thing he would enjoy the beach. Thanks for sharing these activities.

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