How to Use a Milestone Blanket as Your Baby Develops

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Amidst the sleep deprivation and constant diaper changes, one of the first things a new parent discovers is that their little infant develops FAST. Every month (or even every week!) seems to bring a new milestone: they laugh for the first time, their hair starts to come in, they can hold their head up longer, and a tooth erupts. 

In addition, parents frequently discover that they need more photos to look back and recall the numerous changes that occurred from month to month as they hastily add each of these significant occasions to their baby’s memory books, ensuring it’s all recorded. This is why baby milestone blankets are such a wise (and enjoyable!) investment for a family expecting a new child.

Milestone Blanket as Your Baby Develops

Understand about the Baby Milestone Blankets

A milestone blanket—what is it? Most likely, one has shown on your social media feeds. These printed wraps, similar to conventional baby blankets and usually contain the baby’s age, are ideal for monthly photo backdrops. 

You may snap pictures with your phone for a baby’s first birthday celebration and compile them into a slideshow. Alternatively, you could use an instant camera to print cute pictures to hang up in your house. 

Factors That Make a Good One Banket


Even if the blanket is only used for one photo session, you still want it to be soft and cuddly so that baby can curl up with it. Getting a baby to smile—or slumber, depending on the situation—will be much easier with a cozy blanket. After all, who doesn’t love an adorable picture of a sleeping infant?


Many nice milestone blankets come with accessories, like rattles or stuffed toys, that can excite the baby’s photo shoot.

Ease of care

It’s usually a good idea to have a washable blanket on hand in case of an explosive diaper burst or spit-up fountain. (Don’t they always tend to occur at the most inappropriate times?)


Are you trying to find something a little unique? Specific selections are intended to capture significant events in the year, such as the infant’s first Christmas, Thanksgiving, or birthday.

The Best Size for a Baby Milestone Blanket

Several sizes are available for baby nice milestone blankets, with the majority measuring 30 by 40 inches and ranging up to 60 x 80 inches. While making a purchase, take into account the size of your room. 

Where would you place the blanket to take pictures? To encompass the whole design, how far out should you zoom? A little one might be ideal for your tiny newborn, but if they’re a squirmy 10-month-old, you might wish you’d bought a bigger one because your kid will be developing.

Take Pictures on a Milestone Blanket

It’s straightforward and a lot of fun. You spread out your blanket and check for excellent lighting (you are taking a picture, after all), usually around the first of the month, or honestly, whenever you think of it because people know you’re still in that heat. 

Key Takeaway 

How will you “mark” the month? Did your blanket come with numbered cards to place or a ring to enclose the number? If not, feel free to use any marker or cutout you prefer, such as a plain picture frame, a bracelet you love, or even a piece of string or ribbon to draw a circle. Alternatively, create your own numbered cards using felt or card stock!

When the blanket is finished, finally lay your baby down on it and prepare to take pictures and send them to all the people you care about.

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