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Weight Watchers Egg Salad Freestyle

Full Recipe

Are you looking for a healthy and filling Weight Watchers breakfast? Are you a fan of blueberries? Then you’ll love this Blueberry Muffin Weight Watchers smoothie bowl!

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Eggs are a natural source of protein and are packed with nutrition, vitamins and minerals.

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Hard Boiled Eggs  Green Onions Yellow Onions Fresh Dill  Pickles Mayonaise Low Fat Greek Yogurt Fresh Lemon Juice

Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-4e4202bb-3f8c-457b-bf18-eb9ea39659eb","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

Gently Tap Each Hard Boiled Egg On Countertop to Crack Shell. Peel Shell Away and Dice Each Egg Into Small Pieces.

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-4c132ccd-a17e-4d60-b569-f6bfe229d115","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

In large mixing bowl, combine hard boiled eggs, green onions, yellow onions, fresh dill, pickles, mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, fresh lemon juice, turmeric, paprika, and salt & pepper. Mix well.

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-04d9486b-0c2d-4992-bdba-b3981eb8494a","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

Serve With Tortilla Chips, Potato Chips And/or Bread! Enjoy!

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe

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Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-d5339657-fa51-42de-ab87-c505181cd205","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":300,"duration":1500,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-2c492c54-3960-4880-8843-7cb0661470ed","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":600,"duration":1500,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}]

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