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Delicious and Easy Pumpkin Alfredo Fettuccine

Full Recipe

You’re going to love the taste of this Pumpkin Alfredo Fettuccine! It’s an 8 ingredient pasta dish make using real pumpkin puree!

Full Recipe

Fettuccini Alfredo is a creamy Italian pasta dish that typically contains Parmesan cheese, butter, and heavy cream. It can also include garlic, onion, and other seasonings.

Full Recipe


Fettuccine pasta Butter Garlic Pumpkin puree Nutmeg Half and half Parmesan cheese Parsley & extra for garnish

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Cook the Pasta According to Package Directions. Drain the Water but Save 2 Cups of Pasta Water.

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-2fdfa585-7581-42b0-ba2b-47ec37b78063","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

Add the Garlic and Butter to a Skillet and Cook for 1-2 Over Medium-Low Heat.

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-8fd6e374-f524-4ba1-a189-6602484a42ef","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

Stir in the Pumpkin, Nutmeg, and Half and Half.

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-bcd59008-9c06-47f0-a8a8-4d8bb14c5291","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

Add in the Pasta Water but Only at a 1/2 Cup at a Time. This Will Give Your Sauce Consistency for Adding to the Pasta.

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-2c7aebb5-e7f9-41cc-9568-c64367bf1c87","keyframes":[{"transform":"rotate(-540deg) scale(0.1)","opacity":0},{"transform":"none","opacity":1}],"delay":0,"duration":1000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

Put the pasta on a plate and garnish with parsley and more Parmesan cheese. you can also add pumpkin seeds. Serve & enjoy!

Tilted Brush Stroke


Full Recipe

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Full Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-c88996b0-d474-49a4-983f-3fbf571bb130","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":300,"duration":1500,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}][{"selector":"#anim-b0f1daff-5880-495b-9543-672fa07b561b","keyframes":{"opacity":[0,1]},"delay":600,"duration":1500,"easing":"cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 1)","fill":"both"}]

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