Spring Grooming for Men: 8 Simple Hacks
Spring Grooming for Men
Spring is known as the season of regeneration, the time when life rejuvenates itself in a burst of vivid colors. Why not take advantage of this wave of new life to revitalize your grooming? The telecommuting and virtual gatherings of the past two years may have led you to overlook your grooming. But as organizations recall their workers to offices, you may be forced to worry about your outward appearance again.
As you return to physical, social gatherings, take up the challenge to take your grooming to the next level. If you used to make a good first impression on your colleagues and clients, make it even better. Here are some hacks to help you on the journey to your new and improved self.
Teeth First
One of the crucial elements of a good first impression is a great smile. And good dental hygiene is integral to creating that killer smile. Brushing your teeth twice a day after a meal and flossing regularly in between should be enough to keep your dental formula in tip-top condition.
It is also important to schedule regular dental visits – at least once annually – to be sure your oral health is in check.
Men have been known to neglect their skin, but you don’t have to follow the herd. Not with your new spring look at stake. Speaking from which, you could be carrying some of the scars of winter on your skin; calluses, dry patches, what have you. You should take care of them with a good exfoliating scrub. If you have sensitive skin, you need to exfoliate at least twice weekly.
As the temperatures rise in the run-up to summer, you also need to protect your skin from the UV rays. Applying the right SPF sunscreen will see to it that the sun doesn’t cause your skin to age prematurely.
Get a Regular Haircut
Find a go-to barber who understands your head if you don’t already have one. With his help, you can develop a signature cut that makes the best of your hair type, the shape of your head and your face. It might take some trial and error, but eventually, you will settle on a cut that makes you look your best.
Once you do, commit to maintaining it with weekly or bi-weekly visits to the barbershop, depending on how quickly your hair follicles regenerate.
Keeping your skin moisturized should be part of any skincare regime. Well moisturized skin ages well and lowers your chances of developing skin cancer. You will notice subtle yet tangible improvements in your overall appearance as you observe your daily moisturizing routine. Gone will be the ashy, tight feeling on your skin, replaced by a more supple, wrinkle-free look.
Going back to protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, broad-spectrum SPF is a great tool to have heading into spring. It will serve you on the mild spring days as well as on scorching summer days. There are some versions of this sunscreen that keep your face from developing post-shave sores while also countering the sun’s aging effects on your skin.
Style With Accessories
There are some unwritten rules for male accessorizing- go for subtle charm, nothing chunky or shouting, go for masculine colors such as gunmetal gray. You don’t have to conform to these rules; don’t be afraid to express yourself with something a bit more in-your-face or colors traditionally considered feminine.
Eyewear offers a great opportunity for you to reinvent yourself this spring. As the sun comes out and the social gatherings increase, you will want to add variety to your collection. If folks are used to your big geek frames, browse rimless glasses for men online.
Find and Use a Scent
Yes, you may already have a signature scent that’s working for you, but why not switch it up this spring? In fact, try to aim for a unique scent for every season with a special bottle reserved for once-in-a-lifetime occasions. Besides giving people around you a different impression of you whenever you meet, having a variety of scents will ensure each serves you a little longer.
Don’t Just Focus On One Area
Your grooming self-reinvention should not be limited to your face and hair. Make it a full-body affair. If you’ve never paid attention to your nails, treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure. You should also consider manscaping, taking care of your eyebrows and attacking those circles around your eyes that betray your hectic work schedule.
The idea is to have a fresh new look in mind and pull all the strings you need to pull to bring it into existence. Don’t be afraid to research the areas you have no clue about.