Letter Y Worksheets For Preschool Kids

Letter Y Worksheets For Preschool Kids

Are you looking for some awesome free preschool worksheets? Look no further! Today I have some fantastic letter Y worksheets for kids. These are free to download and simple to use. I hope you enjoy them. 

There are so many fun ways to teach the letter Y to kids and these free letter Y printables can be used to do just that. Today I’ll be sharing these free letter Y worksheets along with some fun letter Y crafts and activity ideas.

letter y worksheets for preschool kids

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Letter Y Printables

In this pack of printable letter Y worksheets you get the following:

  • Y is for Yo Yo coloring sheet
  • Letter Y tracing sheet
  • Letter Line trace
  • Yo Yo counting sheet

Y Is For Yellow

One fun way to teach the letter Y and teach about color at the same time might be to teach Y is for yellow and come up with a list of things starting with the letter Y and a list of item that are Yellow.

You might want to create some Yellow crafts such as a Yellow Sunshine Paper Plate or make some yellow sunflowers from paper.

Letter Y Crafts

You could paint a Yellow Giraffe or even paint big bird from Sesame Street!

You could also make some letter Y Crafts such as:

  • Y is for Yarn
  • Y is for Yeti
  • Y is for Yam
  • Y is for You.

Another fun Letter Y idea could be to make the letter Y from lollipop sticks and paint or stick stickers on to decorate it. There are plenty of ideas and the kids might enjoy this fun craft.

Try teaching the kids basic portrait skills. Give them a mirror to look in and say draw “yourself” or maybe cut out the letter Y and decorate it with materials to create letter Y monsters.

The Letter Y Song

Here is a letter Y song. There are plenty of alphabet songs to teach kids and phonics songs can be super helpful. My favourite will always be the traditional alphabet song, ABC.

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Download Your Letter Y Printables Here!

Letter Y worksheets

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