How Much to Tip Movers for Long Distance Services

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The eternal question of tipping continues to this day. This applies to different service areas, and the work of long-distance movers is no exception. Moving can be related to work, the desire to change the place of residence, and more. The main question is how much to tip (or not), so let’s explain this and more.

How Much to Tip Movers for Long Distance Services

Additional Incentive

The main purpose and purpose of tips for long distance movers, especially if they perform long-distance work, is to encourage their work.

Many will say – But I already paid for their services? True, but tipping is not included in the price list and is a voluntary customer decision, corresponding to good manners. Also, after you give a tip to your movers in dallas or wherever you happen to be living and receive a positive response, new features will open up for you for future (possible) moves, including:

  1. A good picture of you as a client;
  2. The same movers who provided you with services will be assigned to you in the future.

Working with those who have proven themselves to be the best is always more pleasant. This applies to both clients and movers.

When You Should and Shouldn’t Tip Movers

The main reason you should always tip is if you are satisfied with the service. Did everything go quickly, without incidents or problems? Then why not thank the team of movers for their professional work and high-quality services? But there are situations when you, as a client, have the right to refuse and not give a tip. For example:

  1. The movers were late. In this case, lack of punctuality is the first sign that the quality of service may not be the same as described on the company’s website or by the manager. And, of course, a good reason not to tip.
  2. Timing delay. Many companies set hourly rates for movers; some take advantage of this by deliberately slowing down and delaying the move. As a result, a move that could have been completed in 2-3 hours is extended by 5, which will cost you approximately an additional $100-200.
  3. Poor attitude towards client’s belongings. Many things can be valuable or very important to a family, such as the family piano, which, if damaged, would be a shock to everyone. But even if this is ordinary furniture, the careless attitude of the movers towards someone else’s property is unacceptable.
  4. You have to do some of the work yourself. As a client, you may desire to help with the transfer, but this is not normal if you are forced to do so. It turns out that you also worked as a mover, but you also paid for it.

Not tipping may be the right decision if you notice these points. You will save money, and perhaps, with this action, you will make the movers think about the quality of services.

How to Tip Movers

First of all, it would be correct to give a tip at the very end, when all the things have been transferred. This way, you can evaluate the quality of services and the efficiency of the moving crew and each individual. Depending on complexity and distance, a moving crew usually consists of several people. So you have two options:

  • Give a tip to everyone separately.
  • Give the total amount to the lead.

It is best to give each individual an equal amount to avoid confrontations and disputes within the group. Also, do not forget that for long distances two teams take part. So prepare a tip in advance for both.

How Much Should You Tip Movers?

The client decides how much to tip based on the quality of service. As mentioned above, there are situations in which you can tip without remorse. But if the work was done quickly and professionally and you only had a pleasant impression from the movers, you must decide how much to give.

How Much to Tip Movers for Long Distance Services

Typically, the tip amount is based on the total amount for services, which depends on the number of things, furniture, the complexity of the work, etc. Tipping examples:

  • $0 – You are dissatisfied with the work of the movers and do not consider it necessary to reward them with tips;
  • $5-10 – In general, you are satisfied, but some shortcomings affected the impression of the movers’ work;
  • $20-50 – The work was done efficiently and quickly, communication with the movers was not stressful, and everything went right on time;
  • $100+ – They are gods of moving pianos, huge cabinets, fragile dishes, and pillows.

We believe $20-50 is an ideal tip for movers. But if, in your opinion, this amount is unsuitable for the work of long-distance movers. Moreover, you can provide the movers with cold water or a small lunch. After all, you have already paid for the service, so showing gratitude for something other than a tip would be a good point. 

Also, the most valuable tip will be gratitude to everyone who helped you in a difficult and long move.

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