Encouraging Children to Make Healthy Food Choices

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Last night John brought Sylvia up to the hospital to read with Mummy. I’ve been on the Rookwood Ward now for a whole week and we have been missing bedtime stories. Sylvia came up in her Pyjamas and brought with her a new set of books the NutriKids collection which were sent to review.

Kids Books About Vegetables.

The NutriKids Books are created by Sam Bourne a Nutritional Therapist and each story is a character named after a healthy veg or fruit, for example Connie Carrot, Penelope Pea and Billy Blueberry. The books contain more than just a story, they share interesting facts about the fruit or vegetables as well as recipe ideas and a how to grow each of the vegetables.

Kids Books About Vegetables.

Sylvia enjoyed reading the books with me. She is at an age where her reading has recently taken off and the wording is simple and easy to read and not too much on a page.

Kids Books About Vegetables.

I loved the Illustrations and actually am looking forward to giving some of the recipe and serving suggestions and try. We are a huge fan of Blueberries. We like to add berries to our cereal and Sylvia enjoys banana and blueberry smoothies. We also love blueberry muffins and it was interesting to read about the history of blueberries as well as reading the story.

Kids Books About Vegetables.

I’m not too sure we are a fan of peas. I think Sylvia is a lot like Penelope pea who at first would rather not eat them. We learnt that peas have protein and I think it would be great fun to try and grow our own pea pods.

Kids Books About Vegetables.

Sylvia and I enjoyed reading the NutriKids books. They are great for encouraging children to make healthy food choices. I think they are a fantastic little set and being a fan of factual books, these really are something I’d love to keep and use in the future and of course read again with my daughter.

Kids Books About Vegetables.


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Some Tips on Encouraging Kids to Eat Healthy Food.

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  1. Sounds like a lovely series of books. I suppose all we can really do as parents is lead by example when we can when it comes to healthy eating.

  2. These are lovely books, I love how vibrant they are. I think the ideas people come up with nowadays is genius especially with so many bad choices. Hopefully these will help others #blogclubuk

  3. Ohhh, these books look and sounds brilliant! Perfect for encouraging children to eat healthy and make healthy choices. I’m glad Sylvia enjoys them 🙂 Lovely post. xx

    1. Oh books are fantastic and yes we love stories too. I really do like non fiction and factual books for kids as well as stories so these books tick the box on both accords.

  4. That sounds a lovely idea for some books, making it fun and interesting (and hopefully encouraging kids to eat more healthily if they don’t already – I know my daughter isn’t a pea fan either). And great that you were able to have the bedtime story time together too.

    1. Yes I think it helps kids to see how important nutrition and good foods are. I think peas are the least favourite. We like to add spinach to lots of meals too.

  5. These look great – Pickle is growing peas with his grandad 🙂 I hope you are home soon. Kaz x

  6. Aw this is such a cool idea! I will definitely have a look on these books since my little girl is a very fussy eater and will always give me a hard time to eat anything “green” :S x

  7. Having discovered I’m Diabetic has led me to look at food differently. These books look perfect for they sound fun, entertaining and encourage healthy food choice in little ones. #KLTR

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