Easter Weekend Without Grandpa

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Last year my grandpa David passed away. It’s been over 8 months which is quite a long time but it seems like it only happened a few weeks ago and I’m still learning and figuring out this whole grieving business. It’s really been a new experience for me and quite challenging. 

John took some lovely photos of Sylvia which I’ll be sharing as I speak about grandpa and share my thoughts. 

I was in the room with grandpa when he passed away and as sad as it was, it was good to know he was no longer suffering and in pain. After the funeral, I returned to Lancashire and I’ve had many moments where I have really missed him!

Sylvia got a soft toy which we named David after my grandpa. I sometimes wear my grandpa’s t-shirt as it gives me a strange comfort knowing it once belonged to him. 

sylvia and grandpa

We have a photo of grandpa in our lounge and he is never far from our thoughts. Grandpa David loved food and loved to treat us. He always gave us Kit Kats or other treats, I always remember his huge stash of Easter Eggs every easter which he would hand out to the whole family. 

When I walk down certain aisles at the supermarket, I have moments where I think of grandpa, especially if I see foods like pate or leas peeler oranges which he loved. It’s strange the things that remind me of him but I do think of him often and I also speak to him. 

Some people are religious and others are not. I don’t tend to speak much about religion on my blog but I do believe and know that one day I will see my grandpa. With the Easter weekend, I found myself both missing grandpa but also full of hope and gratitude that one day we will be together again. It’s something I look forward to one day. 

sylvia and grandpa

Easter was not the same this year without grandpa. He was not in his chair, we didn’t read the scriptures and pray with him or eat Easter dinner together. We had a roast and celebrated Easter but it was different to when grandpa had been around.

We had a nice weekend. I am unwell as usual and my grandma has been very tired too so we spent our time together in the house talking, had naps and rested, ate dinner and then rested again. We played a game in the evening with Sylvia and now Sylvia has gone back home to Lancashire as school starts back tomorrow. 

sylvia and grandpa

I was going to go home too but grandma hurt her wrist and ended up going to A and E. She is struggling with some basic things so I’m staying an extra week until her wrist improves. 

I’m in grandpa’s room and it’s so strange. I wonder if he is close by, if he is watching us and what he thinks. I’m sure he is happy with his parents and family members on the other side but I bet he also missed grandma too. 

I’m not in the best of health but I’ll do what I can this week to help grandma as that’s what grandpa would want. He loved and loves grandma so much and she is very special to him.

sylvia and grandpa

It’s not easy losing someone you love and although this separation is temporary it is not easy. I’m sure it must get easier to love with even though those we love will always be missed. 

Easter is a good time to think about family and the blessings in our lives and to have gratitude for the many wonderful things in our lives. I am blessed to have a good family and have great grandparents. I just miss grandpa and this weekend was a tough weekend for sure. 


About Angela Milnes

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who has specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts and having fun as a family. Angela has also taught cooking skills and loves to share both family recipes and easy instant pot recipes here on The Inspiration Edit. Follow her on Pinterest!

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