DIY Tote Bag: Easy Sewing Tutorial

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Are you tired of having 20 plastic grocery bags to throw away every time you go to the store? Plastic bags never biodegrade. They only breakdown. As they breakdown, they release toxins including flame retardants, antimicrobials, and plasticizers that are harmful to our environment. If you want a better way, this DIY tote bag is the perfect way to start minimizing plastic in the environment! 

DIY Tote Bag

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Supplies for DIY Tote Bag

  • 1 pillowcase (I suggest cotton or another fabric that is easy to work with)
  • Scissors or Pinking Shears 
  • Ruler or yardstick
  • Pencil or fabric marker
  • 1 piece of ribbon the length of the diagonal of the pillowcase
  • All-purpose thread
  • Sewing pins
  • Sewing machine (I got mine from Amazon)

tote bag

How to Make It

Step 1: Cut the closed end of the pillowcase about 1/4″ from the edge. 

tote bag

Steps 2-3: Turn the pillowcase vertical, with the top and bottom in their proper directions. If you have a yardstick, draw a diagonal line from one top corner of the pillowcase and to the opposite bottom corner. 

tote bag

If you don’t have a yardstick, you can pin one end of your ribbon from one top corner of the pillowcase and pin to the opposite bottom corner. I also put a few pins along the ribbon to hold it in place. 

tote bag

Cut along the ribbon or line you marked, so you will have two triangular pieces.  

Step 4: Cut off the sides of the pillowcase about 1/4″ from the edge.

tote bag

Steps 5-6: Turn raw edge of the diagonal down 1/4“and turn under 1/4” once more. Sew along the edge. Repeat on the other triangles, so you have done these 4 times.

tote bag

Step 7: Take one triangle piece of the pillowcase with the right side facing up, making a right tringle (see photo 1 above) and then lay the opposite piece, right side up, on top of the other piece, making a right triangle (see photo 2 above)  So they look like photo 3.

tote bag

Steps 8-10: Pin along the diagonal and sew (see photo above}. Repeat steps 8-9 with the other two triangle pieces. 

tote bag

Step 11: Place the two pieces from steps 8-10 right sides together. Sew along the sides and bottom. 

Step 12: Reinforce on the “V” about an inch up.

tote bag

Step 13: Finish the top two pieces (my daughter calls them bunny ears), by turning the sides in by 1/4” about 4 inches down. Turn right side out. Tie top pieces and enjoy using your new bag!

tote bag

isn’t it lovely

DIY Tote Bag

Other DIY Projects

Do you like DIY projects and crafts? DIY projects can save you money, help the environment, and make gift-giving special. If you liked this DIY tote bag, check out some of our other DIY projects:

Obviously, you can’t do all these DIY crafts in one day, so pin them for later!

diy sew tote bag

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